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During your free meet & greet I will meet with you and your pets to review your needs, and review any special instructions. At that time, you will be given a copy of my preliminary pet sitting agreement. This document is a collection of your contact information, what is to be done in emergency situations, detailed pet information, and any information that I should need to care for your pets in your absense. It also reviews details about my services, severe weather procedures, complications, emergencies, etc. This ensures that you and I are both prepared and have an understanding of eachothers needs. Below is a copy of the agreement details should you like to review them prior. 






Return Key? ______When?______  Date: _________________




Home Phone __________Work Phone_________

Other Phone (Specify)______________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

City______________________________ State____________ Zip_________________


Would you like to communicate by (Check all that apply):

_____Text Messages   _____Phone _____Email

Emergency Contact/Phone_______________________________________________

Others who have access to your home_______

Security System? __________Access Code_________________

Alarm Company Phone___________Password_____________


____Key Received and Tested

In the event that Pet Sitter is required to employ a locksmith to gain entry into client’s premises due to a malfunction of the lock or failure of the client to leave a working key, client shall reimburse all expenses incurred. 





Age___________________ Sex_____________________

Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________






Age___________________ Sex_____________________


Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________






Age___________________ Sex_____________________


Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________






Age___________________ Sex_____________________


Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________






Age___________________ Sex_____________________


Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________






Age___________________ Sex_____________________


Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________






Age___________________ Sex_____________________


Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________






Age___________________ Sex_____________________


Up to date on Rabies?_________________________

Special Needs? __________________________________________________








Vet Name_________________________________ Vet Phone________________________________________________

Food Amount ________________________________________________________________________________________











Litter Box

Litter Supplies



Cleaning Supplies

Can Opener

Fire extinguisher

Trash Cans


Disposal Instructions for Feces/Litter_____________________________________________________

Any special reason for caution in approaching your pets?________________________________________

Anyone else caring for your pets in your absence?    Yes__________ No_____________

If yes, Name/Phone___________________________________________________



____Home Visits   #per day _________       When?____________________________________________________

Charge per visit: __________________________

*Holidays - Add $5/visit

____Over Night Stay  (s)     Charge per night:_____________

* Holidays - Add $10 per night

____Nail Trim(s)   For how many pets?______     Name(s)_________________________________________


____Anal Gland Expression     For how many pets?______     Name(s)_________________________________________


_____ Bring Mail In (No Charge)                                   _____Alternate Blinds (No Charge)

_____Alternate Lights (No Charge)                             

_____Water Plants (No Charge)

_____ Turn on/off TV/Radio (No Charge)

Additional Instructions:




Has your pet ever snapped at or bitten anyone?

Has your pet ever bitten or fought another animal?

Does your pet like to play?

Favorite Toys:

Does your pet like to exercise?

Does your pet like to be brushed?

Is it ok to give your pet(s) treats?


Does your pet(s) have any allergies/possible allergies?











  • Scheduling and Visit times: I strive to accommodate the needs of your pet(s).  I will provide a time interval during which visits will occur. If an unforeseen situation arises, the time interval may be adjusted.

  • Reservations: It is best to plan in advance in order to obtain services on the dates you desire. Free preliminary visits prior to any of your scheduled services can be provided for your comfort.

  • Early Returns/Last minute Changes: Should you need to cancel or make any changes to the services provided, I ask that you contact me with 24 hours notice as a courtesy. You will not be charged for any cancelations. Should you need to extend the time of services, I will do my best to accommodate you. This may mean changing the type, time, or interval of these services according to my availability. 

  • Inclement Weather: 1) Every effort will be made to drive to your home; 2) The service schedule may be changed, interrupted, or altered due to circumstances; 3) If it is not possible to drive to your home, your emergency contact will be notified; 4) You will be notified if this occurs. Please provide an emergency contact.

  • Pet Guardianship: In the unfortunate event that you become incapacitated while your pet(s) are in my care, please name the person(s) who should be contacted to become the guardian and take over the care of your pet(s) until care can be provided as arranged for in other legal documents prepared by you. Please be sure the named person(s) is/are aware you are appointing them as guardian(s) of your pet(s). If no guardian is provided, your pets may be turned over to the nearest Animal Control Location. 


In the event of an emergency, which incapacitates me, I authorize Nicole Ogle to turn my pet(s) over to :



Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: ________________________________ Alt. Phone:_________________________________

Relationship: ___________________________________________________________

  • Medication/Vaccinations: I am very experienced at administering medications and usually have no problems, but cannot be held responsible for complications that arise as a result. Should there be a problem administering the medication, I will notify you. Administration of medications are at an extra charge that will be factored into the total visit/stay fee. This charge may vary depending on how difficult the pet is to medicate. I ask that all pets under my care are vaccinated for Rabies. Should the pet(s) not be current on their rabies vaccination(s), please inform me ahead of time as this puts me at greater risk. 

  • Destruction of Property by Pet(s): Pets can sometimes become sick, have accidents in the house, or behaviorally destruct items within their reach. I will do my best to prevent your pet from destructing property and/or clean up any property including but not limited to: carpets, furniture, house hold items, etc; to the best of my ability. However, should your pet(s) soil or destruct any of your property I can not be held liable for any of these items. Please keep any valuable items out of reach of your pets while under my care and leave cleaning items in a place I can easily find them.  

  • Destruction of Property due to Inclement Weather and Other Incidents: Unforeseen weather may occur while your pet(s) are under my care. Please be sure that you have taken the necessary precautions to prevent any damage to your home. I can not be held liable for damaged items or other property should anything happen while you’re gone. 

  • Unforeseen Purchases: I will purchase pet food, litter, or other necessary items that contribute to the health and wellbeing of your pet during your absence if they run out or are not provided. I will retain a receipt and the pet owner is responsible for reimbursement of these items. 

  • Fences: I do not accept responsibility or liability for any client’s animals that escape or become lost or injured, fatal or otherwise, when instructed to leave the animal(s) in a fenced area. This includes electronic, wood, or any other type of fence. 

  • Household Emergencies: Please provide the name and number of a trusted maintenance company or a person you can rely on to attend to any household emergencies that may arise during your absence. Should this be necessary, you will be contacted immediately.Company Name:___________________________________Contact Person:_________________________Phone Number:_______________________________Alternate Number:__________________________

  • Payment: I accept cash, checks, PayPal or Venmo. Payment is due at the time of the start of services unless otherwise agreed upon. 

  • Pet Sitter Emergency/Illness: In the event of personal emergency or illness, client authorizes my arrangement for another qualified person to fulfill the pet sitting responsibilities. The client is not responsible for paying this person. That will be my responsibility. 

I, _____________________________________________________________ have read, understand and agree to the policies and guidelines of this agreement. I further understand that a copy of this form will be kept on file for documentary purposes but will be kept private and confidential. 



_____I request that Nicole Ogle retain my key(s) for future services. Initials_______

_____I request that Nicole Ogle return my key(s) upon completion of each pet sitting assignment. Initials_________


Pet Owner (Print)



Pet Owner Signature _______________________________________













Pet Sitting Agreement

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